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Work Engagement Profile Interpretive Report

    Kenneth W. Thomas and Walter G. Tymon Jr.

    Improve your organization's bottom line through increased employee engagement

Two kinds of factors shape employee engagement: (1) extrinsic rewards, such as pay, benefits, promotions, awards, and so on, and (2) intrinsic rewards—meaningfulness, choice, competence, and progress, psychological rewards that fuel engagement by providing a positive emotional charge. The Work Engagement Profile provides unique insights that can directly affect an organization’s bottom line because it addresses work engagement at the core level—employees’ feelings about the work itself. The Work Engagement Profile Interpretive Report, the online version of the 24-item assessment, offers a graphic presentation of scores and a personalized analysis of results. It measures four intrinsic rewards—meaningfulness, choice, competence, and progress—that individuals receive directly from their work. Interpretive information for the scores of each intrinsic reward includes building blocks for improving and strengthening that reward. The Interpretive Report concludes with a detailed Action Plan worksheet for developmental planning. Use the Profile in your work with organizations to help develop engaged employees and contribute to the improvement of the organization’s effectiveness and overall performance.

Some features of the Work Engagement Profile Interpretive Report include:

  • A personalized interpretation with appealing graphics
  • Explanation of the four intrinsic rewards that influence employee engagement
  • Explanation of the four intrinsic rewards that influence employee engagement
  • Important discussion points for employee and manager
  • Free downloadable technical brief discussing the assessment's history, reliability, and validity

"I have used the instrument with several clients, most recently as part of a leadership development program for new supervisors at a steel mill. The instrument was very enlightening for them to understand their level of personal engagement, as well as factors they as leaders might seek to more meaningfully engage their direct reports."
—Barbara Trautlein, PhD, Principal, Change Catalysts, LLC

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Before You Buy

  • Age:18 and up
  • Time:10-12 minutes
  • Items:24
  • Reading Level:8th grade
  • Report Length:15 pp
  • Family:WEP


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